Thursday, April 17, 2008

My Favorite Words

There is so much I want to say but can't ... at least, not yet. So I was thinking about some of my favorite words. Words can be fun ... at least, I think so. Words have the power to hurt or to heal, to start and end wars, to break and to fix. Nothing else has that much power.
With that said, here are some of my favorite words and their meanings.

Transcend : to rise above or go beyond ... This word makes me feel like there's always a possibility of going to the next step, rising to the next level, going forward-without looking back.

Peace: a state of tranquillity or serenity ...Makes me think of harmony (also a good word); would say it's like a state of non-movement. A sort of unambivalent freedom.

Embolden : to make bold or bolder; hearten, encourageTo me, this feels like giving strength to something. To make it stronger. Stronger is almost always better.

Create : to cause into being, or to evolveThis is a really powerful word, don't you think? It's like nothing has suddenly become something. To create is to give power, to grow something, to become something, to make something new.

Dishearten: To shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispiritThis is such a strong, meaningful word. When taken literally dis-to take away from, the heart. It's almost like to discourage, to hurt.

These are a few of my favorite words. What are yours?

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